Spruce Tea

Whether to relax with a hot drink at the end of a long day in the woods, to mask the flavor of unpleasant tasting water collected from less than desirable sources or snow melt, to get a boost of vitamin C, beta carotene, starches/sugars or because I just want a change from plain water; brewing a pot of spruce tea has become one of my favorite back country drinks.

This mildly citrus flavored tea can be made from needles, tips, pitch and twigs all year long. I prefer the very mild flavor of the tender spring tips and the slightly stronger flavor of the needles collected year round. The tea is soothing when hot and refreshing when cold. When backpacking I like to keep one bottle filled with cold tea each day for a treat and I love the fact that I don't have to carry the extra weight of drink mixes to flavor my water.

To make this tea, use a handful of needles or tips added to two of cups of boiling water, remove from heat and cover to keep the beneficial properties of the tea from escaping in the steam. After about five minutes strain out plant matter and enjoy! Measurements and steeping time can be adjusted for desired flavor intensity. Add some honey for sweetness if you like.

I hope that you enjoy the abundance that nature provides. Please, whenever you harvest from the wild do so with respect, knowledge and safety to ensure that you and all other creatures can continue to enjoy these abundances for all future seasons. Although healthy and tasty for most, it is best to avoid drinking spruce tea if you are pregnant.