Fireweed Shoots with Garlic Butter


Bright fuchsia colored flowers burst from the tops of the tall slender stalks of the fireweed plant. This abundant flower blankets trail and roadsides and fills patches of land across the state of Alaska. A plant with several stages of growth which Alaskans observe to mark the quick stages of summer and as a predictor of the fast approaching fall. 

All parts of the plant are edible during all stages of growth. The spring shoots of the fireweed plant, harvested when the stalks are short and the leaves are close to the stem, is a delicious wilderness side dish. Known as an Alaska wild asparagus, it is a tender fresh treat which can brighten many back country meals. 

It can be munched on raw or added to macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, quesadillas, salads, pasta, rice or any other backpacking or camping meal that could use the addition of a fresh healthy ingredient.

I recently sauteed fireweed shoots in butter and garlic over an open fire. Cooked until the tiny stalks were just tender enough to bite through, but not fully soft. When finished I seasoned with salt and pepper and ate alongside lake trout caught that evening and instant mashed potatoes. It was a gourmet backpacking dinner for sure.

I hope that you enjoy the abundance that nature provides. Please, whenever you harvest from the wild do so with respect, knowledge and safety to ensure that you and all other creatures can continue to enjoy these abundances for all future seasons.